what's to do better trap bar or straight bar deadlift?

 Deadlift Trap Bar Deadlift Deadlift It's a compound movement that works the glutes, lower back, and quadriceps...

Trap Bar Deadlift Trap Bar Deadlift

This is a compound movement that works the glutes, back, quadriceps, hamstrings, trapezius, abs, and forearms.

 Most gyms now have a trap bar.

There are more similarities than differences between the barbell deadlift and the trap bar deadlift. Both are raised from the floor. Both include hinges on the sides.  If you use low handles that are the same height as the barbell deadlift, the difference is much smaller. The trap bar uses more quads and fewer hamstrings and backs compared to the barbell deadlift. 

Advantages of the Trap bar deadlift over the barbell deadlift.

The barbell deadlift is also a great exercise. This article is not about one being better than the other, they are different. I will discuss some of the benefits of using a trap bar. The main reason is that with a barbell, the weight is in front of you, so it's easier to lose your balance and spin forward. Whereas with the trap bar you have your hands next to each other. barbell deadlifts and can do them more and faster than with a barbell, especially when they are not coached. 

Trap bar deadlifts can be easier on the back provided you tone up and use good technique.  Al Gerard had a lot of back problems and wanted to find a way to lift heavy weights with his bad back. There is less chance of being pulled forward and having spinal flexion with the trap bar. if you find that using a barbell gives you back problems, then using a bar might be a good option. This also makes it easier to use the trap bar when performing high reps.

Most trap bars have low and high handles. Yet, most people can deadlift on a trap bar with high handles because it requires less mobility. I even have a 72-year-old client who can hook a high-handled bar with no problem but couldn't handle a barbell. 

 Using a barbell double overhand grip will limit the weight you can lift because your hands won't support enough weight. That leaves the hook grip, straps, and mixed grip (one hand in pronation and one in supination). The hook grip is very good and strong but can be very painful on the thumb. Using straps removes the grip strength benefits. A mixed grip is a very strong grip, but it can lead to small muscle imbalances. This also increases the chance of tearing the biceps on the supinated arm if poor technique is used. The catcher is easy to grip and prevents these potential negatives.

I find it has a good transfer when I use a low-handle drop bar for a barbell deadlift. Three years ago I deadlifted 230kg with a barbell with the vast majority of training on the trap bar. Before I did this, I had deadlifted with a barbell about 5-8 times in my life. This was at a time when my one rep max on my squat was only 155kg, so the trap bar deadlift was the main reason I was able to deadlift 230kg

A possible negative of the trap bar deadlift

The grips may be too wide or too narrow for some people depending on the gripper used. At times you may not be able to catch the catch bar in the middle of the handle. This is easy to fix as you can re-adjust before trying again

How to perform a trap bar deadlift:

Stand in the center of the bar with your feet about hip-width apart and your toes out. That's a good starting point. Try a narrower and wider stance to see what works best for you.

Bend at the hip and keep the knees bent, grasp the center of the bar handle.

2: From this position, you have to tighten up. Tightening will allow you to lift as much weight as possible and reduce the risk of injury. Sit on your side so that you feel the tension in your hamstrings. Lift your chest and straighten your back. Look straight ahead or down. While keeping your arms straight, rotate your elbows so they face the wall behind you. This will help engage your late. Pull the bar without lifting it to create as much tension as possible throughout the body. When lifting it, you should not pull the stick off the ground. If you end up jerking it off the ground, it's a sign that you didn't go far enough during the setup. You want to take a deep breath from your diaphragm before lifting. Breathing into your diaphragm should make your stomach inflate. If you lift your chest and shoulders as you inhale, you are not breathing into your diaphragm. You will need to hold your breath until you complete the repetition. Pull in your abs like you're about to get punched in the stomach and hold it again for the entire rep.

3: Raise the bar and press your feet into the ground, straighten your legs and thrust your hips forward. As you near the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes and push your hips forward to lock out the rep.

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