10 way to get back into shape gaining weight

But, the way you lose weight or get in shape doesn't have a big impact on your success. The way you think and feel is the real driver of success.

So here are my top 10 ways to get back on track, start losing weight and get in shape today.

1. Decide why this is important to you

because you think you should be thinner isn't enough motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you need to know why you care - why you care about being healthy. This means taking the time to think about what being healthy means to you and how it will improve your life. Also, you need to be clear about the costs associated with staying healthy.

2. Taste vs pleasure

There's a reason why junk food seems to taste so much better than healthy food when you're not used to eating healthy or when you include too much junk food in your diet. A LOT of money goes into research to make sure the taste is pleasant and addictive. The transition from processed foods high in salt and fat to bland foods can be very challenging. So you have to give your taste buds time to readjust. The more you cut back on these things and choose healthier alternatives, the more you will begin to appreciate and enjoy more natural flavors.

3. First of all on the mind

To be healthy, you need to be mindful of not slipping back into bad habits when you forget to pay attention or are in a bad mood (such as during times of stress or hormonal changes). When you focus on being healthy, you can incorporate behaviors into your life (other than eating fast food that you'll enjoy) to address your moods. Focus on why you want to live healthily.

4. Stop feeling like you're missing out

When you start eating healthy, it's very important not to feel like you're being punished by thinking "it's terrible that I can't eat tasty food anymore". The goal is to want to eat healthy because you enjoy feeling fresh, clean, and energized. So you don't feel tempted to gobble up junk food to boost your mood or meet a craving. You want to enjoy treats when it's appropriate (eg celebrations) but be able to get back to healthy eating right away.

5. Believe you can do it

Confidence is critical to your success. Use other examples of when you set out to achieve a goal and succeeded in achieving it (eg saving for a vacation, changing careers, buying a new home) to motivate you. This way, you can remind yourself that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.

6. Ignore others who mean well and want you to join them in their eating habits

Food and socialization are very linked, so people around you will try to encourage you to eat and drink junk food from time to time. The key is to ensure that tasty, healthy meals are served that you can all enjoy together. Also to be less stressed about having to explain your new eating habits, eating healthier food will lead to easier conversation, more energy, and more fun.

7. Stop thinking all or nothing

As mentioned earlier, it's very important to be flexible when it comes to your eating habits, so if you end up eating more junk food than you expected, you move on rather than using it as an excuse to eat like crazy. Remind yourself that you are not limited. No one tells you what to do. You eat healthy because you want to.

8. Be organized with meal prep

Make sure you eat throughout the day and have healthy meals pre-prepared to avoid quick and easy grab-and-go high-fat foods on the run. Take time each week to make sure you have enough healthy snacks in your bags, work drawers, and home pantry. Then either arrange for someone to cook for you at home, or cook a few healthy meals at the beginning of the week and freeze them for those nights when you don't feel like cooking.

9. Prepare tasty alternatives

Eating healthy should never be boring. Sign up to the Happy Life website below and get free delicious meals that you can prepare. It's important to have a positive attitude towards healthy eating, so be creative and make meals that you enjoy. Don't stick to the same old salad and soup diet. 

10. Get your family and friends involved

It is much easier to maintain a healthy life if your family and friends are involved. You can involve them by arranging to do a physical activity together, preparing healthy meals that everyone can enjoy together, or discussing what you are doing and asking for their support.

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