Cord blood is used as an umbrella term for the many cells that are stored because it is associated with cord blood banking. Cord blood banking is referred to as stem cell banking in Europe and other areas of the world.
The umbilical cord and its blood were once considered medical waste before the 1990s. Parents today collect or store their baby's umbilical cord blood because the stem cells found in it are used or hold promise in the treatment of life-threatening and debilitating disorders. Umbilical cord blood can be collected through the umbilical cord at the time of delivery of the baby, without risk to the mother or the baby. This is why planning to collect and store your baby's cord blood during pregnancy is a great idea.
How much does cord blood banking cost?
While most parents would like to bank their newborns' cord blood to help protect their families, the cost of cord blood banking is generally a deciding factor. Most cord blood banks charge a one-time cost of $1,000 to $2,000 to collect, process, and store cord blood. The cost of the cord blood collection kit, the medical courier service used to hurry the safe transport of the kit, testing the mother's blood for infectious diseases, testing the baby's blood for any contamination, and the cost of the first full year of storage is often included in this upfront fee.
After that, an annual fee of $100-$200 is charged for continuous storage, usually on the child's birthday. The immune system can attack the patient's own body after any stem cell transfusion. Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is a serious problem after transplantation. GvHD can be mild and rare, but it can also be severe, permanent, and even fatal.
. Baby cord blood is always perfect for a baby. Immediate family members are also more likely to match the stored cord blood. Siblings have a 25% chance of being a perfect match and a 50% chance of being a partial match. Parents who give half the markers used in the pairing have a 100% chance of being a partial match.
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