How are the energy meridians and emotions in our bodies?
When the energy flowed around the body, a person remained healthy. When the energy was stuck, stagnant, weak, or blocked in some way, a person became ill.
Each meridian was named after the major organ or physical system it controlled or regulated in the body. in body. Chinese medicine has recognized from the beginning that energy blocks in the body are usually caused by a person's emotions.
The energy of emotions
Whenever we get sick in some way, our emotions usually contain all the information we need to figure out why it might be happening.
For example, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that eating bad food makes you sick.
But why that person is attracted to bad food?
What emotions are they repressing or reacting to when reaching for the chips?
And that's exactly what meridians can help us with.
If you already know that you have a physical problem or physical weakness in a certain area of your body, you can go to the relevant meridian and see what emotions may be hiding underneath. Emotions associated with the Gallbladder meridian include anger, harsh judgment, and rage. Once you have a key piece of the puzzle, you can begin to work on releasing the negative emotional state that is causing your physical illness.
All these things may sound so strange to us western types who are used to thinking that bacteria and genes are the main drivers of all our diseases and health problems. But until the advent of modern medicine, holistic principles of health were the foundation of almost every historical healing tradition around the world.
So the next time you have a cold or a headache, don't reach for the pills; stop and ask yourself what emotional stimulus might have caused this. The answers we get to these questions will not only improve our health, but they can also change our lives.
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